Part of BC Cranberry Farming Since 1968

About Us

The BC Cranberry Marketing Commission (BCCMC) has been a part of BC cranberry farming since 1968.

The BCCMC administers the British Columbia Cranberry Marketing Scheme, 1968, which is established under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act, and operates under the general supervision of the BC Farm Industry Review Board.

The BCCMC regulates in any and all respects, the transportation, processing, packing, storage and marketing of any variety of cranberries grown in the province of British Columbia.

The BC Cranberry Marketing Commission consists of a Chair appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, three or four elected members who are registered growers and one appointed independent member who is not a grower.
The BC Cranberry Marketing Commission Strategic Plan drives the annual work plan and is updated every few years.
An annual report is prepared each year for the benefit of all stakeholders.
A Public Accountability Report is prepared each year for the Farm Industry Review Board.